Once upon a July

The farm boisterous

With scented new yams

And the farmers with

Faces smirk with success

Noisy pounding of fluffy pounded yam basking in rabbit infested spinach

Proudly escorted with freshly tapped palm wine

Yeasted and frothing

Sometimes in communal elation

Set to coincide

With many a festival

And everywhere agog

For the arrival of the king of swallow

But the wise among the farmers knowing that

By October, the rains subside

Prepare seedlings for the coming season

While the unwise eat up

The yam and seedlings

The pretentious wise came to

And opened up the barn

And swallowed in one gulp the reserved seedlings

The plan of tomorrow stark, gaunt, and dry

Smacking the lips with

Thirst and hunger looking up with lamps without oil

At yuan filled hands

Begging for loans with teary eyes

Eaters of reserves

Eaters of promises

Eaters of the fruit and seeds

“O je su,je lagbe.”

Knowledge comes with sacrifice


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