
This ‘ODDITY OF IMPUNITY’ delivered on quality. ‘The future we don’t know,’ ‘the bitter truth,’ and ‘the undertaker in the lab coat’ will help you see Dr Bolutife Oluwadele the way I see him: BALANCED. 

Another Awesome book

Written by an exceptionally charismatic and engaging Man who is very articulate and quite proficient in analyzing and detailing social and economic issues. Preeminent interpersonal team building skills, and a leadership style characterized by dialogue and Inclusion.

It consists of multiple poems.

Oddity of Impunity

Bolutife Oluwadele, Ph.D., has the clout that represents his accomplishments. His writings are authentic, unlike those that pursue political correctness. I have interacted with Dr. Bolutife Oluwadele and seen first-hand that he is knowledgeable, academically brilliant, and offers quality in the works coming from his stables. 

Professor Frederick Nwosu

Copyright © 2020 The Village Boy