September 26, 2020

Once upon a July The farm boisterous With scented new yams And the farmers with Faces smirk with success Noisy pounding of fluffy pounded yam basking in rabbit infested spinach Proudly escorted with freshly tapped palm wine Yeasted and frothing Sometimes in communal elation Set to coincide With many a festival And everywhere agog For the arrival of the king of swallow But the wise among the farmers knowing that…

September 16, 2020

on Albarka 89.9 Fm, Ilorin, Mr. Oluwadele Bolutife, author, Thoughts of A Village Boy and I shared our thoughts on: RETOOLING NIGERIA’S ECONOMY FOR YOUTH GAINS. We spoke on: our democratic nature, policies of government, how to rework the economy and so on. Take a listen 👇👇👇  Host: Olusola Benjamin (BVJ)

September 8, 2020

Few options in financing your working capital requirements. There are some costs implication for each option.