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Sacred Crossroads


Thoughts Of
A Village Boy

Thoughts of a Village Boy, Represents A Compendium Of Different Areas Of Human Endeavor And Expression Of Author’s Views On Different Issues In Our National Life (Nigeria).

An extraordinary book of many dimensions, Full of unconnected but interesting stories, personal accounts, and candid thoughts that are peculiarly striking. Yet it illustrates a powerful analytical narrative that links them all.


Oddity of Impunity

Bolutife Oluwadele, Ph.D., has the clout that represents his accomplishments. His writings are authentic, unlike those that pursue political correctness. I have interacted with Dr. Bolutife Oluwadele and seen first-hand that he is knowledgeable, academically brilliant, and offers quality in the works coming from his stables. Read his books. Also, read his other writings. I love these poems. This ‘ODDITY OF IMPUNITY’ delivered on quality. ‘The future we don’t know,’ ‘the bitter truth,’ and ‘the undertaker in the lab coat!’ will help you see Dr. Bolutife Oluwadele the way I see him: BALANCED. Please, read this book!

Professor Frederick Nwosu, Ph.D., MBA, FIIAS.
President, International Institute for African Scholars.


Business Strategy

Business Strategy Manual is an engaging compilation of essential business tips based on the author’s years of practice and experience. It is a book specifically designed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and other businesses seeking to optimize their performance and make informed decisions. With practical examples and case studies, the book aims to equip business owners with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness the power of data and transform it into actionable business intelligence. From identifying market trends to evaluating customer behaviour, Business Strategy Manual is a valuable resource for SMEs looking to stay competitive in today’s data-driven business landscape.



Business Strategy Manual is an engaging compilation of essential business tips based on the author’s years of practice and experience. It is a book specifically designed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and other businesses seeking to optimize their performance and make informed decisions. With practical examples and case studies, the book aims to equip business owners with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness the power of data and transform it into actionable business intelligence. From identifying market trends to evaluating customer behaviour, Business Strategy Manual is a valuable resource for SMEs looking to stay competitive in today’s data-driven business landscape.


Sustainable Cash Flow: Strategies for
Eco-Conscious Business Owners

This book is written as a guide or a compass for small business owners to easily navigate through the murky waters of cash flow management. As we know that sustainability in business is heavily depended on successful cashflows, therefore, adequate knowledge of how it works will help a lot.


Budgeting Made Simple: Techniques for the Busy
Business Owner

Many business owners struggle with budgeting. In fact, it scares many of them. In this simple-to-read book, we have broken down the process in simple language for easy comprehension. Budgeting is an essential tool for running any successful business, and, therefore, should not be neglected by all means.

Read this book and apply all the principles narrated therein, and you will be on your way to running a successful and sustainable business.


Back to the Future: A Collection of Dialogical
Poems in Pidgin

Back to the Future: A Collection of Dialogical Poems in Pidgin contains insightful, satiric and allegorical poems with the major objective of drawing attention to the multiplicity of socio-economic and political ills in the society — stimulating urgent remedial action.

Due to the popularity and acceptability of the “Nigerian Pidgin English” across various segments of the society as an alternative medium of communication, it is adopted in simple and harmonized lines within the 25 well-articulated poems in this book for readers.

The poems are written in a dialogical narrative with the aim to project some of the societal ills in a lively yet, serious manner.

The Village Boi
An exceptionally charismatic and engaging man who is very articulate and quite proficient in analyzing and detailing social and economic issues. Preeminent interpersonal team-building skills, and a leadership style characterized by dialogue and inclusion.

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